Organisationsentwicklung – CHANGE MANAGEMENT

Wir helfen Ihnen, Ihre Organisation kontinuierlich zu verbessern (Organisationsentwicklung). oezpa unterstützt Sie bei der Vorbereitung, Planung, Konzipierung und Umsetzung von organisatorischen Transformationsprozessen (Organisationsentwicklung). Bei gezielten Reorganisationen und organisatorischen Umbaumaßnahmen sowie Effizienzsteigerungen nutzen wir unser Change Management Expertise und Methodik.

Organisational development

The organisation and the people who work in it are the pillars of the company. Many individual factors are connected within the organisation, which are aligned for optimal realisation of the planned objectives and organisational development.

Organisation as such is not an end in itself, but rather an instrument of corporate planning and management.

In the field of organisational development oezpa works in the areas of realignment, diagnosis, reorganisation, integration (mergers), quality improvement and efficiency improvement. In these fields, we advise you methodically and procedurally and in implementation.

Organisational diagnostics

We help you to identify the status of your organisation with our methods and tools in a short time. We use interviews, questionnaires and workshops. As a result, we create a feedback instrument e.g. a “mirror analysis” from which the status of your organisation, action and problem areas, but also ideas for improvement, can be derived.

We will gladly develop the appropriate method for your organisation with you.

Learning organisation

We help to develop your organisation and the organisational culture towards a learning organisation. A learning organisation is characterised, for us, by the fact that the employees and managers continually reflect upon and share their organisation, their understanding of themselves, their actions and the results achieved. Thereby developing ideas and approaches for improvement and implementing them into structures, processes, methods and measures.

The goal of a learning organisation is an ongoing organisational development. The company thereby constantly expands its ability to shape its own future creatively and adapt to changing market conditions.

Change management

The continuous improvement of the organisation (organisational development) is more effective than most spectacular reorganisation projects. oezpa supports you in the preparation, planning, design and implementation of organisational change processes (organisational development). Here we draw on our many years of experience as responsible managers and management consultants and from a wealth of change management processes (organisational development), which we have already successfully supported.

We accompany the change and development of your organisation (organisational development) through five stages:

  1. Organisational analysis,
  2. Design of new structures,
  3. Planning and organisation,
  4. Implementation of the new structures and
  5. Consolidation (stabilisation).

In the course of the change process (organisational development), we use a mix of traditional organisational activities and organisational development activities, tools and expertise. These we use to focus on customer-specific needs and requirements. In particular, we make sure to include the relevant managers and employees early on. We seek dialogue with company stakeholders. We mentor individuals, teams and the entire company and thus secure the successful implementation of change results.

Typical questions in change management (organisational development):

  • How can we adjust our organisation to the new challenges of the market?
  • How can we bring more market and customer orientation in the organisational structures of our company?
  • How can we achieve a structure with more autonomy of independent units?
  • How can you find a team-based structure and realise it within the business?
  • How can we implement our new strategic concept of organisation as smoothly as possible?
  • How do we prevent demotivation during our planned changes?
  • How do we increase the identification with the project results?
  • How can roles and functions within the company match market and customer requirements?
  • How can we avoid our projects failing?


oezpa helps you to revitalise your organisation with creative methods, to identify new energies and to release them.

Depending on your organisation’s goals and strategies, we support you in the reorganisation and professionalisation of your organisation.

In a project of organisational realignment, we help you to ensure the adequate participation of employees so they can contribute their ideas.


In reorganisation projects we support you in the changing of the business organisation, especially the organisational structure.

In Business Process Reengineering, however, the focus is on the redesign of the process organisation.

Organisational structures and procedures are closely linked and should be considered in this work.

Typical reasons for reorganisation can be: mergers, acquisitions, renovations, partial closures, relocations, introduction of a new management organisation, streamlining organisations (“lean organisation”).

In the reorganisation processes we analyse the tasks, functions, processes, roles, responsibilities, decision-making powers of the individual organisational units and positions and redefine them with you.

Reorganisation projects are considered organisation development projects by us. In contrast to long-term organisational development processes, reorganisation is mostly oriented over a short period of time.

Increase in efficiency

Increase in productivity is an essential component for sustainable betterment of the company.

Sustainable betterment resides next to the increase of the result (i.e.: quality, turnover, profit, etc.) also the reduction of inputs (resources, costs, lead times, loss-making, etc.).

Based on our specific efficiency improvement methodology, experience and implementation expertise, we help increase efficiency projects and activities.

A special oezpa method is the “Ratio Open Space Conference”, which has been tested world-wide and refined by ourselves. In this large group event, we work towards efficiency improvement potentials, and ideas, in the respective organisation with our special methodology within three days.


The goal of redevelopment is to return processes to a permanent income growth position. Based on our years of experience in redevelopment, restructuring and downsizing processes of companies, we offer the following consulting and implementation services:

  • Creation and implementation support of a detailed remediation plan
  • Development of emergency measures
  • Optimisation of the cost-structure, processes, product development, marketing channels and service functions
  • Outplacement of non-core business services, tasks and costs
  • Assurance of employee motivation
  • Professionalisation of the new organisation.

Advising family run businesses

Family businesses are faced with the same challenges as any other business. In addition to these challenges, however, family-run businesses are confronted with conflicting objectives, which result from the combination of family and company. But this link and interaction also provides great opportunities that must be seized. The following questions and challenges need to be mastered in this context:

  • How strong and stable is your business today?
  • How will the environment and the market change in the coming years?
  • What opportunities, risks and challenges does this development bring?
  • What are the challenges of a family-run business?
  • What will your business look like in three, five or ten years?
  • Who will take over the company?
  • How can the transition be successfully designed for the successor?
  • What do you need to do today to actualise your future concepts?
  • How can you prepare employees for the change?

Post-merger integration

Mergers are the most difficult processes to which executives, as well as consultants, can be exposed to. Conventional knowledge of management change and the organisation of classic advice is not sufficient enough to make two different companies or parts of two companies merge smoothly.

It is known that despite extensive experience with integration processes, well over half of all merges fail. Nevertheless, mergers are the strategic approach for many companies, for the next few years.

oezpa Ltd. has acquired more than 20 major mergers and integration projects since 1992 and has a particular expertise in the field of mergers. oezpa’s intercultural background helps it to advise on the integration process in a well balanced way and with great sensitivity.

Process optimisation

Process optimisation is about reviewing and redesigning the business processes to significantly improve speed, quality, satisfaction, service, cost and productivity.

Our experience has shown that if the following indicators occur, then it appears useful to have process optimisation:

  • There is no one liable for critical processes
  • Efficiency improvements are urgently needed
  • Process steps follow a rigid and linear flow
  • Quality controls take a disproportionate amount of time to complete
  • Quality problems exist
  • In the context of a merger where processes need to be brought together

In the oezpa Ltd. approach, business processes are initially captured in the company and categorised in the form of a process map. In the second step, we choose the processes that need optimising, based on criteria such as current functionality, importance, feasibility and optimisation potential. After redesigning, the processes are tested and adjusted if necessary.

Process culture

To think and act in processes is an important step towards process optimisation. A culture of internal customer and service orientation, constructive cooperation and learning is built. This can be promoted through targeted workshops and seminars.

Process workshop

Many processes suffer, particularly through the lack of cooperation from departments, at the so-called interface. After all, processes are about people too. The best process documentations and descriptions don’t help if people do not know, understand, internalise and live after them. In process workshops, cooperation between organisational units is analysed and improved.

Dr. Hüseyin Özdemir

Managing Direktor

+49 (0)172 – 861 61 49

Geschäftsführung/CEO – oezpa & ILAC (International Leadership Academy & Consulting); Senior Coach im Deutschen Bundesverband Coaching (DBVC) und im IOBC – International Organization for Business Coaching; Kooperationspartner und Executive Coach, International Coach Federation, ICF; Dipl.-Ökonom.

Feedback Consulting Kunden

„Der fließende Wechsel zwischen Analyse, Konfrontation und Coaching im richtigen Moment und der Wechsel in den Vorgehensweisen, um die Projektzielsetzung nie aus den Augen zu verlieren, waren ein wesentlicher Erfolgsfaktor in der Zusammenarbeit mit oezpa.“
Dr. Carsten Stelzer, ehem. Vorstand, Vaillant

„Ein wesentlicher Punkt was Sie als oezpa auszeichnet ist Vertrauen. Für Sie fast das Wichtigste. Wenn Sie das nicht hätten, könnten Sie Ihre Rolle gar nicht wahrnehmen. Es hat etwas mit Seniorität zu tun, bei Ihnen. In Ihren Trainings und Coachings ist es wie `Führung zum anfassen´.“
Dr. Thomas Jaster, ehem. Bereichsleiter, Bankdirektor, Portigon (WestLB), Düsseldorf

“oezpa hat eine extrem gute Hand, um Stimmungen aufzunehmen und in positive Energien umzuleiten.„
Dr. Sören Christensen, ehem. stellv. Vorstandsvorsitzender, Deutsche Wertpapier Service Bank AG (dwpbank), Frankfurt

„Jedes Unternehmen ist einzigartig und erfordert individuelle Lösungen, was oezpa sehr gut gelungen ist. Für uns zählt eine integrative Herangehensweise mit nachhaltigen Erfolgen.”
Dr. Markus Slevogt, ehem. Mitglied des Vorstands, ING Bank

“Sie sind in der Lage, in einem neuen, für oezpa völlig unbekannten Unternehmensumfeld ein Projekt zu leiten und zu beraten. Dies ist für mich eine große unternehmerische Fähigkeit. Sie haben ein derart großes Know-How, dass Sie in der Lage sind, Charts z.B. am Flip-Chart und für Präsentationen spontan zu entwickeln. oezpa ist für uns Katalysator und Richtungsgeber zugleich!”
Haluk Gürses, Direktor Human Resources, Bayer

“Sie sind in Ihrem Feld sehr kompetent, selbstsicher, erfahren und engagiert. Sie haben sehr viele Methoden und beherrschen Ihr Handwerk”.
Tom Linckens, Senior Vice President, Director Global Business Process, Laundry and Home Care, Henkel AG

“oezpa lotet in unserem Auftrag regelmäßig aus, was an unserer Organisation gut funktioniert und was nicht. Sie bringen auch durch ihre Beratung Homogenität in unsere weltweit verteilten Standorte. Sie entwickeln für uns ‘Brücken’, damit wir interkulturell in unseren Tochtergesellschaften erfolgreich sein können.”
Patrick Schüler, Direktor, Geschäftsprozessmanagement, Bosch-Siemens Hausgeräte/ BSH

“Ich schätze bei oezpa die Kompetenz, die Erfahrung und das Know-How in organisatorischen Coachingprozessen. Sie sind neutrale Vertrauenspersonen. Wenn man Organisationen wirklich weiter entwickeln will, kann ich oezpa nur weiterempfehlen.”
Walter Hess, ehem. Vorstandsvorsitzender, Elcotherm (aktuell: CEO Firma “zur Rose”, online-apotheke)

“Was mir besonders gefallen hat, war die Gelassenheit, mit der oezpa unseren Organisationsentwicklungs- und Managementteamprozess begleitet hat. Sie haben nicht spürbar, sondern über Fragen geführt. Die Managementteammitglieder haben sich in der Gruppe mit dem Thema auseinandergesetzt. oezpa hat wichtige Themen angesprochen. Ohne diese Intervention hätten wir alleine die Themen nicht bearbeitet. Durch diese Arbeit konnten wir uns sehr gut zu einem Führungsteam integrieren.”
Beat Schwab, ehem. Direktor Human Resources und Geschäftsleitungsmitglied, Microsoft 

“Das Coaching mit oezpa ist wie eine Oase. Da kann ich immer wieder wichtige Fragen platzieren. Ich habe das Coaching immer als sehr hilfreich empfunden und konnte gut abschalten.” 
Karl-Albert Bebber, ehem. Leiter Solution- and Application Services, Bayer Business Services